This is the short film that my group and I made for my second year university course, Design Studio I. The project description was Green Screen and Video Composition. I was the director and camera operator. I did the visual effects for the cliff, the following storm scene and the hallway into the beach scene. All these scenes are one right after another starting at 3:11.
Distortion -
Audio and Video green screen assignment. We were given video of everyone looking sideways and up and down and were told to make a music video.
I made this whole story line were we are working so hard we don't have time to breath. The O-train symbolizes the speed at which we are moving and that everything is just flying past us. As it progresses, the students start to move slower until we come to the climax where the girl is moving in slow motion trying to take in the whirl wind of information around her. Then, groups of people are shown to represent the help we receive from those around us. But at the end, we slip back into the dark and confusion only to rush through everything again...but as the last girl smiles, we try to make the best of it and reach our destination.
Breathing Time? -
Speedpaint video for my digital painting of a modern Lance from Dreamworks' Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Lounging Lance Speedpaint -
Quick example of using Video Copilot's Saber plugin.
Lightsaber Test -
Speedpaint of my chibi Keith digital painting. (About 1.5 hours real time...3 hours with not included sketch and line art time) Sketch and line art done in Medibang Paint Pro. Painting done in Photoshop CS5.ÂChibi Keith Speedpaint
Speedpaint video for my digital painting of Shiro from Dreamworks' Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Shiro Speedpaint -
Speedpaint video for my digital painting of Hunk from Dreamworks' Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Hunk Speedpaint -
Speedpaint video for my digital painting of Lance from Dreamworks' Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Lance Speedpaint -
Speedpaint video for my digital painting of Keith from Dreamworks' Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Keith Speedpaint -
Speedpaint video for my digital painting of Pidge from Dreamworks' Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Pidge Speedpaint -
Speedpaint video for my digital painting of Phil Lester, aka AmazingPhil.
Phil Speedpaint